Friday, March 11, 2011

21 Week News!!

Saturday March 5th exactly 21weeks I felt a kick for the first time on the outside and was so excited I yelled at Bert to hurry and come over but all I got was one kick.  The same thing happened the next day I felt one but it never happened again.  I didn't really feel anything on the outside Monday.  But Tuesday evening he was sitting in his recliner and I was on the couch and I felt our little one again and told him to hurry up maybe he could feel this time.  Well he waited about 30 seconds and told me I was lying that I wasn't feeling anything but I knew our little one was still moving around so I told him to wait and as soon as I said that he felt it for the first time!!!  Not only did he get one good kick he got 3 in a row!!  It was so exciting!!  

Now for our appt.  I had another appt on Wednesday the 9th so I was 21 weeks 4 days.  They don't do regular appts on Wednesday they just do surgeries well since Dory had to go in and have a little procedure done we talked them into seeing me so we wouldn't have to make 2 trips.  The only thing is I didn't get to see my regular Dr. but I got to see his assistant Mary Jane which is just as good cause I like her.  They called me back pretty quick and I didn't have to wait long.  I gained 2lbs which is good she said my weight gain is right on track.  That puts me at a total gain of 13lbs so far.  I finally got to hear the heartbeat for the first time and it was awesome!!  The babies heartbeat was 152 which they say the higher it is it's a girl but you never know.  She also said that my urine sample was great and the pics from my anatomy scan all looked perfect so I have a perfect little healthy baby in me!!!  She didn't do an ultrasound which is ok since i just had one a week and half ago but it still would have been nice to see my little one since I will have to wait another month.  They want to do another big ultrasound in a month which I'm not sure why and those are done on Saturday's then I have to come back that following Monday to do my glucose test which I am not looking forward to but whatever I need to do to make sure I have a healthy baby I will do.  After Dory finally got out we went to eat at the Olive Garden which was so yummy and did a little shopping so needless to say I didn't make it back to work Wednesday but it was a fun day out of the office for me.

Here is a belly pic I took this morning at 21 Weeks 6 Days!
I finally took my belly ring out it was starting to look a little tacky!

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