Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mini-vacation & glucose results!!

Bert and I have been talking about getting away for a long weekend soon before I get to huge and miserable.  We talked about going to Galveston but I did not want to spend the money so we decided to ask my parents for the bay house.  I took off Thursday around 3 from work and headed home to pack since I wasn't going to work Friday.  We got there Thursday around 6ish and after unloading all of our luggage it was time to relax!!  It was a good long weekend and the weather wasn't to bad.  It did try and rain on us one day but it just sprinkled a little and that was it.  It was windy during the days but got really bad at night.  All in all it was a good trip the only thing I'm not happy about is I didn't get to fish at all.  Bert went twice but everywhere he went he had to walk like 2+ miles and there was no way I could do that I just wanted a chair and my fishing pole so maybe we can go again one weekend and I can do a little fishing.  We did get to put out our crab traps and we caught about 17 and then our neighbors down there had some out also and when Sunday came around they didn't feel like cleaning them so they gave them to us and we happily accepted!!  We cooked them yesterday evening along with some shrimp and had both our parents over and my sister-n-law Paula and everything turned out great!!

Now for my glucose results.  I did my glucose test last Monday and was anxious to get my results.  Since everything else was going so good with my pregnancy I was hoping this would come back good.  Well they never called last week so I called first thing Monday morning and left Mary Jane a message.  She called me around 11 and said my glucose test came back good (yay for no 3 hour test) but I am anemic.  She called me in a prescription for an iron supplement so now that's 3 pills I have to take everyday and I hate taking pills.  Bert makes fun of me all the time when I try and take my prenatal vitamins.  Maybe it's all in my head but I have a hard time swallowing them and I can not take pills with water I use to take them with a soda so now I take them with sprite and it's still horrible.  I have a Dr. appt on Monday so maybe I will have some more news then.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the pills girl! I hate taking any type of pills too. Especially prenatal vitamins! They were so awful. I don't know if it's the smell or the size? I used to gag everyday trying to swallow them! At least you passed your glucose test!
