Friday, April 19, 2013

Owen 6 months & Brody 21 months

Yep I'm finally blogging!

Owen had his 6 month check up today so I wanted to write some of the things he is doing.  His checkup went well but he really didn't like the shots.  He is 19.69lbs and 27.25".  I knew he was bigger than Brody was at this age but not by to much.  Owen is such a little ham.  He is always so happy and gives the biggest smile just about everytime you look at him.  Brody is really doing good with him to.  Owen loves to stand up so I will hold him by his little hands and let him stand there and Brody comes and squeezes himself between us and will grab his hands and start pulling him.  I guess he wants him to walk already.  If Owen starts to cry Brody will take him his paci, rattle or blanket.  He recently has tried to pick him up on 2 seperate occasions and one time both of them just toppled over and bonked heads.  I figured both would start crying but neither could stop laughing.  At least they get along...for now!  My littel Owie man hasn't had a middle of the night bottle in over a month.  Yay!!  But that doesn't mean he doesn't wake up.  He started kicking his leg in his sleep.  He will pick one or both straight up and slam it down on the mattress.  After a while it will wake him up and me needing some sleep will just put him in his swing for the rest of the night.  It is driving me up the tree.  I don't understand why he is doing this.  At least I can get him back to sleep but I'm trying to get away from that darn swing already.  Hopefully it's just a stage that will be ending soon.  Here is what my little man is up to these days.

Owen's schedule
6am - 8oz bottle
9am - cereal and fruit mix
11am - 7 oz bottle
3pm - 7 oz bottle
6:30pm - meat and veggie
7:15 - 7 oz bottle 
7:30 bed

  • has 3 teeth all on the bottom
  • rolls over to his belly all the time and he hates being on his belly
  • laughs all the time and it is super cute
  • loves watcing his big brother run around
  • grabs and holds onto his toys really well
  • talks all the time but he's been pretty vocal since birth
  • some 9 month clothes but mostly 12 month now
  • size 4 diapers
  • loves bath time (hopefully he will like the water as much as Brody)
  • loves his daddy (he loves me to but i guess it's just a guy thing)
  • will sit up for a while if I put him there
  • pushes himself up with his arms while on his belly
  • holding his bottle with a little help from me
He is doing really well I think!

Now for Brody!  Brody can be so sweet one second and a little stink the next.  He listens pretty well but when he wants to be hard headed he will ignore you just like his daddy does.  Brody has a little bit of hard time when we leave him.  Like if we want someone to babysit we have to sneak off when he's not looking or he will have a total melt down.  The only places he doesn't do this at is daycare and my moms.  It's kind of heartbreaking.  I guess he's just not use to us leaving him cause we don't that much.  Hopefully he will get over that.  He is such a fit thrower and so whiny that I'm hoping it's just a stage too.  He will throw himself on the ground screaming.  I just walk right over the top of him and ignore him.  Bert will make him get up and go about his way.  He is not that picky of an eater but when he decides he doesn't want to eat what we have for super he goes to bed without eating.  He is finally starting to pick up on that. 
  • Brody loves his fruit and goldfsih
  • picks up all of his toys and puts them up before bed
  • covers his mouth when he coughs
  • drinks out of a big boy cup very well
  • 2T or 3T clothes
  • size 5 diapers
  • has sat on the potty a few times but has never went (at least he's interested)
  • goes to bed at 7:30 every night
  • wakes up by 6:30 (sometimes earlier sometimes later)
  • will eat pretty much anything
  • loves playing outside still
  • loves animals - any kind
  • he talks when he wants

I guess that's pretty much all for now!

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