Friday, December 28, 2012

Finally a Christmas post!

Bert and I decided to keep it pretty simple this year 1.) Building the house ate up a lot of money and 2.) the boys are still to young to really get the concept of it.  Just cause we kept it simple doesn't mean everyone else did.
We decided to host Bert's side of the family Christmas this year and let me tell you it was a lot of work.  Now that we finally have a house big enough to hold everyone I guess he wanted to kind of show it off.  Bert wanted to do the traditional turkey and ham and all the sides.  I made 2nd turkey on Thanksgiving and let me tell you that was the best thing I had ever ate.  I have never been a fan of turkey but let me tell you I am now.  So I got to make another one for Christmas.  Between cooking and feeding and tending the boys and trying to get my house in order to have people over I was pooped by the end of the day.  But everything turned out great and we loved the company.  The boys got quiet a bit from all of them so we enjoyed playing a little bit.  

Christmas Day

Next was Christmas day morning with the boys.  Brody really started to get into it with opening presents and all so it was fun to watch.  I got him a Jake and the Never Land Pirates tent and tunnel with a ball pit on the end and he loves that thing.  We can't hardly keep him out.  After presents and stockings I made a big breakfast and we spent the rest of the morning playing.  
After lunch and nap we went to my parents house for Christmas and let me tell you it looked like Toy's R Us exploded in my moms living room.  She way over did it this year but it was a lot of fun seeing the kids get all of there stuff.  Owen just kind of sat back and watched while the other 4 went crazy.  Now it looks like a tornado in my house so sometime this weekend I will be sorting through toys. 

We have one more this coming Saturday and then we are done.

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