Friday, January 21, 2011


Yesterday was my 1 week checkup after my cerclage...Dr. Cook just wanted to make sure everything looked the way it should and we got to see the baby again!!  Our appt. was at 1:30 and as soon as we were going back to the room Dr. Cook was leaving for a delivery so we thought we could just see Mary Jane and go home well I guess we had to wait for him cause we were in the room until 3:15 and he shows up.  I'm ok with waiting but Bert get's kind of crazy when we have to wait long but it was all worth it.  Dr. Cook came in and checked my cerclage and everything looks great. Yay!!  I was anxious to see our baby even though it was just 2 weeks ago since our last ultrasound.  As soon as he started looking I reminded him we do not want to know what we are having if he could tell already and all he could say is "why not?".  Dr. Cook and Dr. Melham just can't believe we don't want to find out and I am going to make sure I remind them every time cause they see so many patients I don't want them to forget and tell us one day.  Anyway little Baby Skoruppa was moving around a lot and that was the first time we actually saw it move so it was really neat.  Bert claims that the baby was moving it's left hand so he thinks the baby will be left handed (he's crazy) but it was really neat seeing the babies spine and hearbeat (even though we see this everytime we go)  and it moving and all.  I did get a pic but it was not a very good one so I will wait until next time to post one.  For some reason Dr. Cook wants me back in 2 weeks again so hopefully we will get a better pic then.  Last thing for today...over the past 4-5 days Bert noticed that my belly was starting to pooch out some.  We noticed a very small change about a week and half ago but nothing really sticking out but over these past few days we can tell.  If you saw me today you wouldn't think I was prego just putting on a few pounds, but hopefully I will get out of that stage soon.  I will post pics of my belly later when it becomes really noticeable.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cerclage is done!!

Everything went really well Wednesday with my little procedure.  We got there at 7:15am but our appointment was at 8:00 but they got us in pretty quick and we were on the road home shortly after 9:00.  I was really drowsy and just wanted to sleep on the way home but Houston traffic scares me but as soon as we got home I was out.  Wednesday was a pretty lazy day and I had my moments of little pains here and there but whatever they gave me to knock me out stayed with me all day cause I was drowsy until Thursday when I woke up so the good news is the pain didn't really bother me cause I just slept through it.  When I got up Thursday I felt ok so I did my normal routine of making Bert's coffee then making the bed when he left and then showering well that was obviously to much cause the pain was back and this time I couldn't sleep through it but I decided it's best if I just don't get up like the Dr. told me.  By the evening I was going crazy being locked up in the house so I got Bert to take me to town.  He needed to go by the bank so I went along for the ride and everything seemed fine and I was hungry for strawberries so I made him go by the store and get me some.  Today is much better, I'm still probably doing a little bit to much but since he didn't have to work I had him bring me to El Campo so I figured while him and my dad went out to Danevang I would stay at my folks house and since mom is babysitting my nephew Cooper I could hang out with him a little and maybe Dory will bring the twins by later.   So far everything seems to be fine so I guess that means I get to go back to work Monday morning!!  And Bert's Birthday is Sunday so at least we can go out to eat or something since I don't feel like I need to be couch ridden!!  I go next Thursday so they can check everything out and make sure I'm ok so hopefully I will have some new pics!! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cervicl Cerclage

Well I finally talked to my Dr.'s office Thursday of last week and scheduled my cerclage so I will be going in Wednesday the 12th to have it done.  I know everything will go ok but I am still kind of freaked out about being put under since I have only had to go through that once in my life so far.  Atleast I know my baby will be ok after it's done.  Dr. Melham told me that I would need 1 day of strict bed rest and 1 week of rest so I am going to take vacation Wed-Fri and then I have the weekend.  Unfortunately I am not very good about being lazy all day but I will try my hardest.  I have decided that tomorrow I am going to go pick me up a few movies and when I am done with those it's LMN for the rest of the time and cuddle time with Sissy (the cutest dog in the world)!!  Here is a pic of here right after a new haircut!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baby Skoruppa!!

I downloaded some ultrasound pictures and I have quiet a few already.  In my first post I forgot to mention that since I have had a LEEP done and also a freezing procedure when I was 15 they do not want to take any chances of me having and incompetent cervix.  LEEP is when you have abnormal cells on your cervix and they go in and shave off part of your cervix to remove it and the freezing procedure they go in and freeze abnormal cells so they are concerned that my cervix will not be able to hold my baby.  Within the next week or two I will have to go in and have a cerglage put in where they will stitch my cervix to hold the baby.  Not looking forward to this cause they will have to put me under :( but I have the best Doctors.  Anyways they wanted me to come in alot to track our babies growth and I guess decide when to do the cerclage so here are some pics.  They aren't the best but it's what I have.

Here is our 1st one at 5 weeks you can't see anything but a black hole.

Here is our 2nd at 6 weeks and 2 days we could already see the fast beating heartbeat it was so cute!!

Here is our 3rd at 8 weeks and 2 days you can barely see some little spots on the bottom thats a leg and arm trying to come out!

And here we are at 12 weeks and 2 days!! 

This picture the baby is looking towards us and the hands are on each side of the head making a fist!!

And then this one the Dr. measured the baby and it is 5.92CM which is like 2.33"!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The News

This is going to be kind of a long post.  I will catch y'all up from the beginning.  Before Bert and I got married I had talked to my Dr. about babies.  Since I have had problems in the past I figured we better start discussing in just in case it takes a while.  She had told me that as soon as we start trying if we aren't prenant within 6 months to come back and we would start all the fun stuff so we decided to start trying right away since we figured it would be impossible on our own.  When I told my friend Alyn all of this she decided to send me a little present.  I kind of got her hooked on watching Real Housewives, well on the New Jersey one Dina gave Jacqueline a fertility bracelet and about 2 months later she was pregnant so she decided to send me one.  FYI as soon as the baby is here this thing is coming off!!  I got it in the mail the day of our wedding and put it on right away.  Well I had my monthly visit in October but November 8th came and as soon as I was a day late I knew something was up but Bert kept telling me not to get all excited.  So I waited a couple days and still nothing so I rushed to get a test and I told myself if it hadn't happened by Friday I was going to take one well Thursday rolled around and I couldn't wait.  So I did it and patiently waited for the results and there was a big ole yes on there.  Shaking like a leaf I walked in the living room to show Bert and he was like don't get excited it could be wrong so the next day I took another one and it said yes also but he still was telling me not to get excited until we see the Dr. so i called right away and they got us in on the following Monday the 15th.  I was 5 weeks along and then reality hit cause I really don't think he believed it until then.  Then we started talking and he said he really didn't want to find out what we are having and me being impatient I was kind of hesitant at first but know I'm ok with it.  It's just going to be more exciting when the big day comes.  We had our first ultrasound but you couldn't see the baby yet.  We went back the next week and there the baby was and the little heartbeart.  For some reason they had us come back at 8 weeks for another one but I didn't mind the more pictures the happier I am.  Yesteday was our 12 week appt and it actually looks like a baby now and it's so cute I can't wait to go again!!