Well I had a Dr. appt yesterday but I was kind of bummed when I left and had a decision to make. I only gained 1 more pound so I am at a total of 36lbs, heartbear was 143 and bp was good. Dr. Cook came in and checked my cervix and no change from the last time which I was hoping for at least some kind of change. Last week I had seen Dr. Nanda and she said when she took my stitch out I dialated to 1cm well yesterday Dr. Cook made it sound like I had not dilated at all which really confused me. He said they had me stitched up pretty good and he wasn't expecting any changes. He left and came back in about 5 minutes later to discuss what exactly we wanted to do. I told him they had me scheduled to come in on July 5th to be induced. He said we could stay with that our there are other options. He knows that I really want a chance at having the baby vaginally so he the options were: 1) I could stay scheduled for the 5th but my chances of a c-section are higher 2) I could just opt for a c-section all together or 3) I could wait it out and see if I go into labor on my own with the possibilty of a c-section. I finally told him that I was starting to get scared and worried about my size and the size of the baby. Everytime someone would ask if I was having the baby natural or c-section (which happens a lot and i don't understand why) and I say I want natural they look at me like I'm crazy even some Dr.'s & nurses at my clinic. So yesterday I asked him if he thinks I have to small of a frame and if I am going to have difficulty having the baby natural and he just got this look on his face and said I was borderline and that's why he was giving me different options. He said his wife (who is also an OB) opted for a c-section right away, she is about my size, cause they were worried about her having problems with the babies coming out. He said we don't have to make a decision right away to go home and talk it over and call him this week. All day yesterday that was all I could think about cause this is a big decision and I want to make the right one and not regret it. We talked about it and I called my sister and mother to kind of see what they thought but I still really want to try for a vaginal birth. We tossed around every scenario (excluding option 2) and we decided to stay with going in on the 5th to be induced. Either way it sounds like theres a pretty good chance of having to have a c-section but if we induce early I feel like(which it probably is going to sound like I'm crazy) the baby will be a little smaller and maybe I can squeeze it out better and also if this darn cervix of mine isn't going to cooperate there's a chance they will want to induce if I go past my 40 weeks and also a chance of a c-section. So either way I think this is the best option. I can't wait to finally meet our little one it is going to be so exciting yet so scary!!
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